Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Class Discussion Questions

1. The first generation of the RAF was much more organized than the seceding generations. Their plans and strategies were in place to instill as little harm to the general public as possible. They had plans and strategies for taking down government officials, but never to the point of harming more people than they needed to. As the second and third generations came to be their planning became less organized, they became more brutal, and the public became a target of their terrorism.

2. In the beginning of the movie I identified with the group in a positive way. I believed that they were standing up for their rights and what they believed, but as the movie went on my view and identification with the group did a complete 360. The violent tactics and involvement of the public lead me to view the group as terrorists. Everything they had become had something to do with violence and how they could escalate their tactics from the generation before.

3. Baader was a very prominent leader throughout the entire group’s duration. He was not afraid to speak his mind and he did not care about what the other members or even outsiders were going to say. His determination and actions, both voiced and physical, made him a leader. 

4. I was one of the people in the middle. I lean both ways; however, I do believe in defending myself. I would never start the fight, argument, etc., but I will always defend myself and what I believe in.

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